Why does morning wood go away when you urinate

Why does morning wood go away when you urinate?

The phenomenon commonly known as “morning wood” is something that almost every man has experienced at some point in their lives. It refers to the occurrence of an erection upon waking up in the morning. 

While it can be a common and natural occurrence, there’s often curiosity surrounding why morning wood seems to disappear after urination. 

In this article, we will find out the science behind morning wood and explore its relationship with urination. Specifically, we will uncover the reasons behind the disappearance of morning wood after urination.

What is Morning Wood?

Morning wood, scientifically known as nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT), is a natural and common physiological occurrence among men, especially during their younger years. 

It occurs as a result of the complex interplay of hormones, blood flow, and the sleep cycle. While the exact cause is not fully understood, two theories are mentioned below to explain this phenomenon.

Hormonal Fluctuations

Testosterone is a key hormone found in men, usually responsible for sexual desire. During sleep, testosterone levels in men tend to rise, reaching their peak in the early morning hours. 

This increase in testosterone can stimulate the penis and lead to erections. 

Testosterone levels surge during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is when most dreams occur, contributing to morning wood.

Sleep Cycles

Sleep consists of various stages, including REM and non-REM (NREM) phases. 

REM sleep is associated with increased brain activity and vivid dreams, and it’s during this phase that most instances of morning sleep occur. 

As the body transitions between these sleep stages, blood flow increases to different parts of the body, including the genital region, leading to erections.

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Why does morning wood go away when you urinate?

Why does morning wood go away when you urinate?

There are various reasons why your morning wood goes away, it can be bladder pressure, sympathetic nerve activation, hormonal changes or relaxation of muscles. each of these reason is explained below:

Bladder Pressure

A full bladder can exert pressure on the surrounding tissues and organs, including the prostate and the erectile tissues in the penis. This pressure can interfere with the mechanisms that maintain an erection, causing it to subside.

Sympathetic Nervous System Activation

When you wake up with morning wood, your body is often in a relaxed state, with the parasympathetic nervous system dominating. 

However, urination triggers the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the “fight or flight” response. 

Activation of the sympathetic nervous system can lead to the constriction of blood vessels and a decrease in blood flow to the penis, causing the erection to fade.

Hormonal Changes

Urination can also lead to hormonal changes in the body. The release of hormones like norepinephrine during urination can have a vasoconstrictive effect on the blood vessels in the penis, reducing blood flow and causing the erection to subside.

Relaxation of Pelvic Muscles

Urination often involves the relaxation of pelvic floor muscles, including those responsible for maintaining an erection. 

This relaxation, combined with the other factors mentioned, contributes to the disappearance of morning wood.

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Morning wood is a normal and common physiological response in men, primarily associated with hormonal fluctuations, sleep cycles, and increased blood flow to the genital region during REM sleep. 

Its disappearance after urination can be attributed to a combination of factors, including bladder pressure, activation of the sympathetic nervous system, hormonal changes, and the relaxation of pelvic muscles.

Understanding the science behind morning wood and its connection to urination can help demystify this natural occurrence. 

While it may be a source of curiosity or amusement, it’s essential to recognise that morning wood is a normal part of the male experience and is generally nothing to be concerned about.





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