Can I take Viagra with Ramipril and Amlodipine?

Can I take Viagra with Ramipril and Amlodipine?

A sizable population with hypertension uses the antihypertensive drugs ramipril and amlodipine frequently. Many men wonder if they can combine this medication with Viagra.

In this post, our expert pharmacists will take a look at drug interactions between Ramipril, Amlodipine, and Viagra to determine whether they are safe or not.

Understanding Ramipril and Amlodipine

Ramipril, a potent ACE inhibitor, exerts its therapeutic effects by impeding the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II. This mode of action leads to the relaxation of blood vessels, thereby halting the progression of fibrosis and oxidative stress. Consequently, it effectively mitigates elevated blood pressure.

Amlodipine belongs to the dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker it works by relaxation and dilation of coronary arteries in the body causing reduction of blood pressure.

Can I take Viagra with Ramipril and Amlodipine?

Ramipril and amlodipine do not cause any harmful interactions, but considering the combination of Viagra, Ramipril, and amlodipine, it is important to note that there may be potential interactions between these medications. 

Both ramipril and amlodipine can cause a decrease in blood pressure, which can be further enhanced when combined with Viagra. 

This interaction may result in symptoms such as dizziness, lightheadedness, and fainting. Therefore, it is advisable to exercise caution when using these medications together.

If you want to take Viagra with Ramipril and Amlodipine, we recommend you talk with a doctor who can analyze your situation and let you know if it is safe or not.

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Precautions & Warnings

While taking Viagra along with ramipril and amlodipine is considered unsafe and risky, your doctor still recommends it if you have severe erectile dysfunction. However, in such cases, some precautions should be taken. Some of these precautions are mentioned below:

  • Keep an eye on blood pressure, check your blood pressure constantly weather it is dropping below the normal levels which is 90/60mmHg.
  • Monitor side effects; if you have lower blood pressure, you may get symptoms such as headache, dizziness, flushing, and confusion. If they are persistent, then you should consider consulting your prescribing doctor.
  • Inform your doctor about other medications you are using so that he can analyse potential interaction between them.
  • Also discuss your medical history with your prescribing doctor to avoid any further complications.

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Our recommendation

In the end, after carefully examining the synergistic effect of amlodipine, ramipril and viagra we recommend you to avoid this combination. as it can cause severe drop in blood pressure causing troublesome side effects.

However, it is important to note that if you have severe erectile dysfunction and taking amlodipine or ramipril then you should talk to a doctor who can give you appropriate advise on how to mange ED while having hypertension.

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